how to go vegan in three easy steps

there are some very hard things about being a vegan.

for one, you can’t be a party to hurting, killing, or maiming any animals. (sorry!) like, you can’t trade the pain of an animal for the satisfaction of your sweet tooth, for example.

it took me 21 years of being a strict vegetarian to finally take the plunge earlier this year and cut out those last two things: milk and eggs. ugh! i NEVER thought i could do it. mostly because of dessert, but also because of cheese, glorious cheese, so scrumptious and luscious! cheeeeeeeeeeese!

okay, so when i first became a vegan, i’ll admit, i almost starved the first month because i didn’t know what to eat. like, even many “dairy alternative” items still have dairy in them (read the label!), and a lot of the fake meats i love have eggs in them. grrrrrr!

but i figured it out and here’s how. three easy steps.

1. look at this.


now look at this:


“here, boy! come! let me show you how you can reach right into a cow’s stomach through this conveniently placed permanent hole in her side so that you can have yummier milk….and reese’s!!! mmmmmm, reese’s!”

sort of makes you lose your appetite for the greatest candy ever invented.

by the way…



2. oh my god!!!!


to…”really, god????”


“Two 2-day-old male calves found discarded in the trash outside a dairy farm that had no need for them as veal. They were found this way, dehydrated after spending 24 hours in the extreme desert heat, in a trashcan. Male calves are a by-product of the dairy industry, which sells their mothers’ milk to make your ice cream sundae…”

or…they’re just turned into veal.

we all know meat is murder. did you know the milk industry is, too?

3. breakfast is served!


oh….those eggs!

ever wonder what use a baby boychick is to a hen house? clearly none.

okay…i’ve known this stuff since the minute i went vegan in april 2013. just three easy steps. and it still makes me cry…i have to type with my arms fully extended in front of me so the tears don’t ruin my keyboard.

oh, and one more thing…dairy cows…artificially inseminated repeatedly so they can literally be constant milk-giving machines for about three years. after which, what do you think happens to them? kept as pets, perhaps?

listen, i’ll be the first to admit that a life without cheese is one of the most depressing things i have to endure on a daily basis. (okay…so i have a pretty good life). but there’s always daiya, a pathetic globby sticky vegan cheese substitute that actually isn’t half-bad melted on a pizza. okay, maybe half-bad, but at least it’s half-good. and for me, that’s all good.

go vegan.