Yoga PerFlexion

Honestly, the Ashtanga Yoga Sun Salutation A (Surya Namaskara A) is just such a perfect sequence. Its brilliance never fails to amaze me.

The whole package is so delicious and really has everything you need for a complete yoga practice except a twist
and Savasana.

Today, I want to talk specifically about the spine. Because, ultimately, that really is the focus of the entire practice.

Spinal health is everything.

Okay, so think about this:

The third and the second-to-last pose of Sun Salutation A is Uttanasana.

What is so unique about Uttanasana? It is basically the only forward fold in Ashtanga yoga that is done in spinal flexion instead of extension. (Can you fill in this blank? Every forward bend has an element of a ________________. If you did my Vimeo classes, you would know that answer! And your whole entire yoga practice would be better for it, too!!)

And what poses bookend Uttanasana? Urdhva Hastasana and Ardha Uttanasana. Both spinal extensions.

In essence, this is a spinal flexion sandwich, a quick little pose/counterpose sequence that is the Ashtanga equivalent of (standing) Cat/Cow.

Keep in mind that everything else within the practice is a spinal extension
until you get to the finishing series, when we revisit flexion with Halasana, Salamba Sarvangasasana, and Karnapidasana. Finished off with a spinal extension counterpose, Matsyasana.

I know this post is supposed to be about the Sun Salutation, but I had to throw that in.

Why does Ashtanga create this one forward bend, Uttanasana, with a rounded spine?

(Keep in mind that this whole post is just my own theory, so don’t go into Jois’s relics on this one).

Because while spinal flexion isn’t something we wish to encourage in our bodies–none of us aspires to have a hunchback when we are older–it is certainly still a part of the spinal mobility equation.

And while so many people think that backbends are “back stretches,” in fact, the exact opposite is true. A backbend stretches the front body while compressing the muscles in the back. So, adding in these very specific spinal flexions at the start and finish of the Primary Series allows us to stretch our back muscles and even get a potential core engagement in the process.


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    Break Through Your Ego! 

Perhaps you’ve heard (and if you’ve ever been to a yoga class, I assume you have): success in yoga depends on releasing your ego.


That word can be so triggering.

No one wants to admit they have one. Everyone has one.

Yes, even you. And, yes, even me.

The question is, can you acknowledge it where it shows up in your life and can you move beyond it? (I guess that’s two questions.)

Here are three tell-tale signs of an overinflated ego, both on and off the mat, and simple techniques to conquer them all.


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Most people’s concept of ego is to only think of the deadly sin of pride. Yes, pride is a manifestation of ego, but it is not the only one. Not by a mile. But while we’re at it, if you think your skills, knowledge, looks, or status make you in any way better than anyone else, it’s a good idea to step back and remember that we all have our own strengths and challenges in life. You may excel at one thing but you will totally bomb at another. It all equals out and we are all equal.


Believe it or not, if you have an extreme fear of failure, it is actually an indication of an over-inflated ego. When fear of failure dictates your actions, it means you are being controlled by the need to be perfect and to always be right. Good news: failure teaches us our best lessons.

Failure is something that should actually be celebrated because it takes us closer to success.

Similarly, if your tendency is to give up when things get rough, that can be the deadly sin of sloth. Or ego. Giving up on a challenging task protects your ego because you can’t fail at what you don’t try. Remember this: when the going gets tough, the ego-free get going! So, take those risks! Explore those opportunities! Go for those dreams! The worst that will happen is you learn a lesson. The best that will happen…well, the possibilities are endless!

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Yes, you read that right. This one is crazy, but have you ever bet against yourself? Insisted to the world that you could not do something? Guess what? When you fail at that thing, you prove yourself correct. And THAT is a win for your fragile ego.

The antidote for this one is quite simple. Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself fully, completely and even against all odds. Remember: success is a good thing!

Oh! And one more thing…

Don’t compare yourself harshly to others. This may seem like humility, but any time you compare yourself to others (positively or negatively), you are doubling down on your ego. In fact, the very meaning of ego is that which separates you from others. Even when you judge yourself as being less than someone else, that’s actually your ego talking.

Okay…that’s a lot of harsh reality!

Here’s something beautiful to level the playing field: you’re perfect imperfect. So is everyone else.

Want to do some honest work on your ego?

My Handstand Breakthrough Revolution course was specifically designed to challenge you and teach you all the mindset skills you need to transcend your ego and perceived limitations.

YOGAthletica on YouTube teaches you, step-by-step, how to work on difficult poses in a calm, easy and accessible way.

And my online yoga studio is guaranteed to take you out of your comfort zone and push you to new edges and heights.

The success formula is simple. Believe in you and the Universe in equal parts. All is coming.