This Biblical Mantra For Manifestation Really WorksĀ 

If you read my recent blog post about the Law of Attraction, you know how the magic of the Hebrew word בואי (pronounced Bow-ie) transformed my life in a magnificent and mystical way.

Since then, the Universe has continued to swirl around me like a funnel pouring its great and precious blessings directly into my life.

I have, this past year, been quite fascinated (read: obsessed) with the concept of manifestation and how we can call in our dreams and wishes to create a new reality.

And I use the term ā€œcall in,ā€ quite specifically.

To be honest, I never was one for chanting mantras in the past, as so many of the Hindu invocations entreat deities that, as a Jew, conflict with my perception of a monotheistic God. But when things hit rock-bottom for me, I turned to a non-theistic chant and realized what a deeply calming effect it had on me.

What I discovered was thatā€“purely unintentionallyā€“the process of chanting was bringing me closer to God. To my God. After all, Bhakti Yoga (the Yoga of Devotion) is not just about chanting for chantingā€™s sake (although I actually will argue that that is effective, too!) but about connecting to a Higher Power through the channel of song.

I think we have all been to that place where a kirtan, a chant, a prayer, or even just a song transcends us to a higher place. That is a feeling that I wanted to incorporate into my daily life by creating a new mantra that was both personal and powerful to me.

Hereā€™s how it goes. First in basic translation and transliteration (you can hear the pronunciation by clicking here):

אנכי (Anochi: God)
הנני (Hineni: I Am Here)
בואי (Bowie: Come To Me)

Now, anyone who knows biblical Hebrew, knows that there are many different names for God. The one I chose, Anochi, is one that is seen (among other places) in the holiest of Jewish prayers, the Shema/Vā€™Ahavata, as well as in the First Commandment where Anochi (an actual word for God) is used in conjunction with another name for God in its alternate meaning, ā€œI am.ā€ In other words, the word for ā€œI amā€ also happens to be a name for God.

When you study the Law of Attraction or Manifestation, you learn that in order to beckon a new reality into your life, you canā€™t just wish it, you must be it. You canā€™t just say, ā€œI hope to be.ā€ You have to say ā€œI am.ā€ This is an abbreviated assertion of God Conscience itself.

That second word, Hineni, is found eight times in the Torah, including when Abraham offered his son Isaac as a sacrifice to God, and when Moses beheld the burning bush (ohā€¦and in an amazing song by Leonard Cohenā€¦that, too!). Hineni means ā€œI am here.ā€ And there is that ā€œI amā€ again. Its use at only the most pivotal of spiritual moments indicates even more than just being in a particular place in body. It really indicates being present in soul, as well.

And finally, Bowie. No, not David Bowie. But a welcoming. An opening of the heart and soul to invite God in. ā€œCome to me.ā€ A statement of Isvara Pranidahana, Submission to a Higher Power. A knowing that man (or woman) canā€™t do this life thing alone. We need Godā€™s presence to live a full and fulfilled life.

Putting these three words together, I see it as first, calling outward to God as Spirit around us. Then, calling Him to us in physical body. And finally, calling inwards to actually convene body and soul. With my hands in Anjali Mudra (Prayer Position), I first bring them to my mind, Anochi, to represent my highest thoughts. To my mouth, Hineni, to represent the integrity of my words. And to my heart, Bowie, to represent the purity of my deeds and intentions.

In terms of manifestation: Ask. Believe. Receive.

Let the magic begin.

The Yoga of Money

Happy New Year!

Got resolutions?

If youā€™re a focused and committed go-getter, goal-setter, thereā€™s a good chance you have a prosperity goal right near the top.

Am I right?

šŸ’° Letā€™s talk money for a moment.

And maybe that makes you go ā€œick.ā€

Money and Yoga?!?

Yeah. Today, I want to talk about the Yoga of Money. Itā€™s okay. Itā€™s not a bad word.

You know, thereā€™s a reason why people call money ā€œcurrency.ā€ What is a current? Itā€™s a flow of energy. And what is money? Money is shared energy. I give you money, you give me something in return. We both win. The ā€œcurrentā€ vibes back and forth between us.

Thatā€™s a good thing.

šŸ’° Here are a few mindset techniques I use to make peace with money. Not just the good ā€œcoming inā€ parts, but the not-as-pleasant ā€œgoing outā€ parts, too.

If you adapt these mindset shifts, your relationship with money will totally change!

  1. When you have a large tax bills to pay, remember this: the higher your taxes, the better your year was. Write those checks with a smile! You earned it! šŸ†
  2. When you have huge credit card bills to pay, remember this: all that money you spent got you some pretty incredible things! Those gifts that made people so happy. Your clothes and computer and car. Your food and clean water. How awesome! How blessed you are! šŸ™Œ
  3. And most importantlyā€¦if you donā€™t have it, you canā€™t give it away! Youā€™re right that greed does not jibe with yoga (aparigraha!). But charity is a huge part of yoga (and of YOGAthletica) and the more money you have, the more money you have to heal the world! ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹

You know what all three of these concepts have in common? Gratitude.

Once you internalize an attitude of complete and utter gratitude, your energy will open to the currency of money. You will be on the wavelength of prosperity and you will realize that the things you spend money on in life are not costs, they are investments. Investments in yourself, in the world, and in the Universal vibration. šŸ•‰ļø

And what comes around goes around. šŸ”

Whatever your goals are for 2024, both spiritual and material, all it takes is a breakthrough and they will be yours. My Handstand Breakthrough Revolution was specifically created to help anyone who is seriously serious about reaching all their goals and dreams get personally empowered to be unstoppable, invincible, and totally awesome.

Ready to own your awesome?

Click here to learn about HBR and set up your free one-on-one Breakthrough call. There is no cost and no commitment. No money. Just shared ā€œcurrencyā€ between you and me.

Not That Person

Last month, my BFF Nicla and I went to Costa Rica for my 52nd birthday and there was one particularly interesting legof the journey. 

We went on an amazing horseback ride through the rainforest and across the black sandy beach (side note: if you haven’t been to Costa Rica, go.). It was pouring rain–as it tends to do in the rainy season of a rainforest–and my horse was feeling a bit ornery. She was pregnant and hormonal, kept wanting to stop and eat, she was soaking wet, losing footing on slippery slopes, and probably not so happy about lugging my extra weight on her back.

Her solution to all this discomfort was to kick Nicla in the shin. It made a deep and nasty gash but, thankfully, did not break her bone. For the rest of the trip, Nicla had to make sure her wound was clean, properly dressed, and safe from infection.

And, ironically (or not ironically) enough, my leg started hurting very badly that night. So much so, in fact, that I did not sleep for three nights in a row, completely unable to find any comfortable position.

As a Super Empath, perhaps these were just sympathy pains. I tend to get them any time someone tells me about their physical ailments.

Or…maybe it was just my sciatic nerve. 

I hadn’t been on a horse since my 20s and more than likely, the ride jolted my nerve. 

I have never had sciatic pain before, but as a yoga instructor, I am well aware of the anatomy and physiology behind it. The constant shooting pain relentlessly running up and down my entire leg was my first sign. The fact that forward bending hurt, but backbending helped, was my second. 

(Side note: new injuries excite me just a little bit, because I get to nerd out on the anatomy, move past the theoretical and experience what others are experiencing, and play with alleviating it).

For the eight days that I was on travel, I did not practice my yoga and deep down inside I knew that if I could just get back to my mat, I could fix this issue. 

I lay in bed at night, flipping myself over and over like a fish out of water, trying to get comfortable. Doing a lot of Cobra  and Sphinx Poses, but take my word for it: it’s really hard to sleep in those positions. 

But more than anything, I meditated on the fact that “I am not someone who gets sciatica. My back is flexible and strong. I am not someone who gets pain from simply riding a horse. I am fine. I am healthy. There is nothing wrong with me.”

When, after three nights of concentrated self-healing and no sleep, it was time to jump on a plane for six hours, the prospects of feeling better looked bleak. But I knew that once I was home, there was Matty (my yoga mat) waiting for me. And that he would heal me.

Sure enough, I got home at 7am and went straight to my practice. 

I figured it would take no more than a week to get back to 100%.

I was right.

It took one minute. 

The minute I started practicing, I was 100% again. Zero pain. Good as new.

A miracle? Maybe. 

More than likely, though, it was simply because my mind is stronger than my body. And my body, for that matter, is pretty darn strong.

We are not soul and minds trapped in bodies. We are soul and minds gifted with bodies. The body is ephemeral. The soul eternal. Think about it. Which one do you think holds the magical powers?

You are what you believe you are. 

If you knew that you could do anything and be anything (including healthy!), would it be worth it to you to change your mindset and change your reality?

Because you can. And I can help. Just ask

You Will Never Achieve Your Potential

We all need goals in life. We all need purpose.

Without them, we are corks in an ocean, letting life happen instead of living life on purpose.

You can have any kind of goals: relationship goals, financial goals, health goals, yoga goalsā€¦

But if you set goals to achieve your potential in one or more areas of your life, your goals are all wrong.

Sorry if you take offense to that statement or think I have no right to judge your goals. Truth is, I have no right to judge your goals. I have no right to judge anything or anyone.

And Iā€™m not.

Here are the two things you need to understand about goals:

  1. Goals need to be minimum standards, not max. This wasĀ an invaluable lesson I learned at an early age.
  2. Your potential as a human isĀ infiniteĀ and can never be achieved.

When pursued with an abundance mindset, you will realize that the pursuit of excellence is a pursuit that never ends.

And let me be clear, this isnā€™t a matter of pride or insolence, that nothing is ever good enough for you. But rather of complete humility to the awe and wonder of the infinite possibilities of the universe and the unlimited potential we haveā€“each and every one of usā€“as humans.

Any enlightened personā€“or, letā€™s say, person on the pathā€“knows that life is a journey and that we never ā€œarriveā€ until we breathe our last breath. And even then, we have many more lives to live, many more lessons to learn, many more karmas and dharmas before we truly reach samadhi, before we reach bliss.

In the meantime, anyone who thinks that they have arrived has most clearly proven that they havenā€™t. Rather, they have proven that they cannot conceive of the Divine or of the limitless potential of the soul.

What are you calling into your life?

The Law of Attraction says that we draw into our lives whatever we think and feel. Are you willing and able to accept your limitless potential? Can you strive ever higher, ever farther, ever deeper? Do you have excellence in your DNA? (Hint: yes, you do. Now access it.)

My friend, your potential has no limit. You will never achieve your potential. And that is one of lifeā€™s greatest blessings.