How To Get Your Perfect Body…GUARANTEED!

Hi, You!

So…you want a perfect body…

Don’t we all!

Well, you’re in luck, because I am about to make you a promise that holds a 100% guarantee.

YOGAthletica will get you that perfect body. Period.

In fact, if you practice yoga correctly (even with some other teacher 🤨 ), you will get a perfect body.

How can I make such a bold promise?

Because the practice of yoga is far, far more about your mental state than your physical state. In fact, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (the yoga “bible”) revolves completely around one basic concept. And it has nothing to do with the asanas.

The entire practice of yoga has one goal: to quiet the mind.

It is said that if you can master just the second sutra, “Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha,” you don’t even need the rest of the book. I say “just” pretty lightly. This sutra says you need to quiet the modifications/fluctuations of the mind. But the mind can truly be an unruly beast!

As they say in the Old Country, “what does this have to do with the price of rice in China?” In other words, what is the possible connection between quieting your mind and getting your perfect body?

I bet you think I am going to say that when you discipline your mind, you will eat better, exercise harder, sleep more, drink less, and generally develop healthier habits.

That, too.

But that’s not what I’m going to say.

The actual reason that quieting your mind creates a perfect body is that a quiet mind realizes that your body is already perfect.

You may have been convinced sometime, somehow, somewhere along the way that a perfect body means your stomach has to be flatter, your legs longer, your skin firmer, your chest bigger, or any number of other traits that seem to define a certain ideal.

Yoga says otherwise.

When you honestly and truly commit yourself to your practice, in mind, body, and spirit, you learn to accept that everything is not only exactly as it should be, but that everything is a blessing.

You think your arms are too flabby? Try living without arms.

You think your legs are too weak? Try living without legs.

You think your body is to incapable? Try paralysis.

I don’t mean to sound flip. But think about it. You have more miracles going on in your body this very second than you could possibly begin to count in an entire lifetime.

Your heart beats! Incredible!

Your lungs breathe! Amazing!

Your mind thinks! Phenomenal!

Try acknowledging all your organs and systems and parts. I mean, you can’t. How can you give gratitude to every cell of your body that mindbogglingly coordinates with every other cell to create that unbelievably perfect body that is already yours, that carries you through your life mission, and makes all things in this earthly existence possible?

You want a perfect body? First, you need to develop a perfect mindset.

Aparigraha, appreciation for what is yours.

Santosa, contentment with things exactly as they are.

And Ishvara Pranidhana, submission to a Higher Power and accepting that everything–yes, even your body–is exactly as it should be.

Change Your Yoga Game FAST!

A few months ago, my Hard Reset blog post racked up thousands of views, easily surpassing any of my previous YOGAthletica blog posts to become my most popular one to date.

Since then, I have received a lot of questions about fasting and intermittent fasting for weight loss. You can find out all about that here:

But what I really want to talk about today is not the how, but the why. Because for me, losing that stubborn 10-15 pounds has been a lifelong struggle. I can remember the obsession going all the way back to high school, when I would strategize for hours on how to tie a sweatshirt around my waist just so to hopefully make me look thinner. Or starving myself my freshman year in college, determined to lose the Freshman 15 that everyone else was destined to gain. And the insecurities of going all the way to 51 without ever getting married…yeah, certainly it was the extra weight. 😉

Honestly, what were the chances of me actually losing the weight after age 50???

It’s a time when most women start experiencing unprecedented and seemingly unstoppable weight gain. There is a whole industry dedicated exclusively to helping women lose weight during perimenopause/menopause. And yet, miraculously, mine melted off.

I would be lying if I said that looking thinner isn’t important to me, that all I care about is that I am healthy and that I am beautiful on the inside. Listen, it is incredibly important to me to maintain optimum health and be the best human I can be. That goes without saying. But when I look in the mirror and see a flat stomach for the first time in my life, it makes me want to do backflips! Or at least handstands!

And handstands, I do. And do and do.

And the real reason I am writing today is to tell you the most incredible and totally unintended side effect of the weight loss. It has upped my entire yoga game 500%.

Wherein the actual skills in the video below aren’t new, stringing them together for this long of a sequence would have been absolutely unfathomable just a year ago. Especially if you take into account the fact that I am suffering from shoulder injuries in both shoulders. Both shoulders!

But losing the weight has meant that…well…I’m lighter. Genius, right? And being lighter means that it takes less muscle, less strain, and less effort to get myself in and out of transitions that I used to have to carry an extra 15 pounds through. Think about it. Find a fifteen pound weight somewhere and imagine strapping that to your body and trying to complete your everyday yoga practice. Or…think about taking that much weight off your body and how it would affect your overall strength and mobility.

It doesn’t matter if I am talking about handstands or warriors, backbends or twists, everything is easier without the extra weight taking up space and adding a burden to the process. Fact is, lightening up has made my whole practice light up.

So, what about you? Are you ready to change your entire yoga game FAST (see what I did there…)? Click here and let’s do this!

Hard Reset

I tried intermittent fasting. It worked. And then it didn’t.

And then it did.

It wasn’t quite that simple. But it worked.

Here’s what happened:

First, I got a Lumen metabolism hacker and it taught me how to balance my carbs, fats and proteins for my personal activity level, at any and every point of the day. Instead of a generic, one-size fits all diet, I breathe into my Lumen device and it tells me when I am burning fat and when I am burning carbs, so I know exactly what I should be eating, when. Oh…and it also gives me sample meal suggestions (which really helps because I have a K-IQ (Kitchen IQ) of about negative 3).

What shocked me the most about my readings is that I need to eat a lot more fat. Like, a lot more. And then some.

So, I started downing the good fats, adding olive oil to my smoothies and avocado to my–well–everything…

(You can get your Lumen for $50 off with code SHANA and get your hard reset, too!)

Second, I shifted my eating schedule.

It was not really a grand plan, so much as a natural evolution, but every afternoon I eat a meal until I am full–being sure to add a lot of extra good fats–and at some point, I have a huge mug of matcha green tea. The two things put together basically fill me to the brim and the rest of the evening is spent digesting.

If I do find myself hungry at night, I make a protein smoothie, have some peanut butter, or some crackers with vegan spread on top. Intermittent fasting is not a deliberate, structured discipline for me and I am more than happy to eat whenever I feel like eating.

What I find eating like this is that I wake up every morning feeling clean and clear in body and in mind and totally invigorated to face the day.

(Bonus for the Jews in the room: it makes fasting on Yom Kippur a whole heck of a lot easier! 😂✡️)

(Lose the weight and keep it off with a winning plan!)

Third comes the weekends. You know, wheeeeeeee-kends. Where I eat way too much of not the best (but still vegan, of course!) stuff on earth, morning, noon and night, because food is fun. 🤷‍♀️

In my past life, these culinary escapades would not bode well for my waistline. But these days, they literally have no effect on the scale.


Think of it like CrossFit for your diet. CrossFit relies on muscle confusion–constantly shifting things up to shock your body into overdrive. Same with food. If you eat a certain way most of the time, and then a completely different way the rest of the time, your body kicks into high gear to process and metabolize the extra food and bring you back to homeostasis.

I have had a hard reset and my reset weight is 10-15 pounds less than it was just six months ago! And anyone who follows me on social media can see the difference. It has been pretty profound.

Fourth, (I hate giving away this secret, but….) I started drinking Jacked Factory Nitro Surge Shred a half-hour before each practice. A combination of amino acids and caffeine, this product has been a complete game changer for me. (Promise, I am not paid or sponsored in any way to say this).

Someone gave me a jar and I tried it on a whim and it was like SHAZAM! 💥

Honestly, after trying it the first time, I did a lot of research to see if it is even legal, it is so extraordinarily potent. (Spoiler alert: it is.)

(You can get 20% off your first Jacked Factory order by clicking here)

Now, at 51 years old, I am leaner than I have been in as long as I can remember. I feel lighter (because I am) and stronger, my mind is clearer and my whole yoga practice feels more organic and powerful.

Miracles do happen. Sometimes it just takes a little reset.